Thursday, December 12, 2013


What will our era be called 100 years fom now?  I vote for the age of lost governance.

Exercise vs. Diet for weight loss during the holidays

We are well into the holiday diet advice season.  What to eat and not eat,  when,  how often, how much, columns are in every paper, magazine, and on a million online sites.  From my reading,  it seems that the food intake process is more important than exercise.  Being mindful of my diet will be more effective than clocking more time working out.  Or,  I will lose if I think I can exercise more to compensate for the typical holiday diet.  I just read that the average person gains 5-10 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, and that even with dieting in the new year 1 of those pounds will never go away.  That is a disturbing thought.  Is that saying that a 30 yr old guy weighing 160 lbs. will weigh 190 at age 60 if nothing changes except he eats a typical holiday diet every December?  I wonder about that.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 2 of this

Is it a journal or diary under a new name?


What makes trivia games fun? Maybe to
just some.   I think I enjoy seeing what random bit of info I know. And I learn stuff!

The game of bridge

I have been retired for 2 years now, and not being a generous and kind-hearted old guy I have no interest in volunteering my time to help anyone.  I have instead become fascinated with the card game bridge.  Fanatics claim it is the greatest game there is.  I know chess players, poker players, golfers, and dominoes players who take umbrage at that, but it is a very fine game.  You can even play online for free with players around the world.  I have played with people from well over 100 nations.  Did you know the game is huge in Turkey? I didn't.  On the internet site, BBO,  I use you can create a profile where you  select the level of player you think you are, beginning with novice  and going to world class.  Other players can see your profile and it doesn't take long for you to be told by them what your real level is.  It's fun.  After a year I promoted myself to intermediate from beginner.  Within a week I demoted myself after being told in no uncertain terms that maybe I should take up gin rummy.  One can send messages to anyone and more people than I thought have no problem calling me a moron and worse after I make a mistake.  One difference I see between different levels of expertise in bridge and other endeavors is that expert players in bridge do not like to play with players who are not as good.  I mean as partners.  But not even as opponents really.  The overall quality of the match is not as good.  I remember when I played tennis I liked to play against someone slightly better because it improved my game, and the opponent felt good about the win, and it didn't take long.  In bridge it is not like that.  Online each game has a host who can remove you for no reason and more often than not it is because a player just can't play at the level of the others.  Early on I didn't like that aspect but now that I know a little I respect it.  And I do know only a little.  Bridge is a very sophisticated and complex game.  I have only begun.  It is humbling to be regularly whipped by 90 year olds.

Retail Banking

I read recently that my primary bank,  Bank of America, has the worst reputation of any major US bank,  or something close to that.  I am here to say that I have been a customer for many years, going back to well before BOA bought Bank of Boston.  In over 40 years they have never made a mistake with the management of any of my accounts, not a single cent.  I recently opened an account with Merrill, now owned by BOA, because it makes it simple to transfer funds between the bank and the broker, and in general I am pleased with Merrill as well.  So I feel bad for the thousands of home owners who got screwed by the bank resulting in the 2nd great Depression of 2008, but I don't have a thing to complain about.

My adventures with Adsense

Well, I tried to enable Adsense but got rejected.  Last week I applied for an account at that new online bank which offered a 30 second wait time before a decision.  They turned me down as well.  Are my days of being part of today's happening culture over? I can't forget the good things about getting old though. Kudos to North Shore Fuel of Revere, MA for installing an expensive furnace and letting me pay for it as I was able, with no interest.  Sometimes it pays to be a loyal long-time customer.

Gift Cards

I read an item recently that suggested that giving gift cards from retail outlets like Walmart, Macy's, etc was uncool and showed a lack of caring about the receiver.  That is hogwash.  I think they are a brilliant innovation, allowing the receiver perfect freedom to buy exactly what he/she needs or wants.  For giving something to someone living far away it solves the problem of buying, wrapping, and mailing.  If done electronically one can increase the value of the card by the amount one saves by not having to do all that.  Say your brother 1000 miles away likes music; but you don't really know his current favorites.  Why guess?  An iTunes gift card solves the problem.  And returns are now not an issue.  I am sure there are hundreds of economic grad students researching this question now!  I bet the use of gift cards actually increases overall retail sales.  How natural would it be for a receiver of an Apple gift card to go to the store and spend not only the card's value but some more money on something seen in the store?
Just enabled adsense.  Now what?

poetry today

almost all contemporary poetry is lousy

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


If there is a God where did he/she/it come from?  1st time I thought of God as it. Too much to think about.

Learning curve time

Guess i need to click Compose button

Still learning

what is the point of this?

Lesson # 2

ok i just downloaded the mobile version
So, my first post.  I am doing this mainly to learn what this is.  I'm waiting to see if it will start snowing before I decide to go out.